the melodrama of my life

Friday, December 30, 2005


Time has wizzed by so quickly this year; quicker than last year I would say.

This year marks my last year of being an under-21 and my last year as a poly student. Today marks the end of my 3rd week of attachment, my last day at work in 2005, early celebration for my best friend's 21st birthday and probably my last entry of the year.

Recalling my resolution for 2005, I said I want to stay happier longer. In retrospection, I realise that I have not exactly achieved that, sadly.

In a nutshell, 2005 led me through one long rollercoaster ride. The regret I had had tone down considerably with the one immense episode (more immense than one year of add ups), complications were blown up few folds especially as the year unfolds, there were several sad discoveries, my 7 year old cat went missing and there was a bad major event at home. On the memorable side, there were many good first times. I had an experience of the lifetime (I hope it will be the only time though), I partied the hardest and I reinforced a couple of friendships.

The biggest change in 2005: Internship began in early Dec after 3 academic sems this year (first ever). Come March, I'll embark my new phase of life- work or further studying straight after; I haven't decide. I know I ain't prepared for work yet. Not like attachment is still a drag now but I'm still looking forward to the end of it so I can holiday. First, Ho Chi Minh City.

Back to no more New Year resolutions. For 2006, I just hope for less complicated situations.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


The improved actions caused immense guilt.

The realisation of unsuitability was soon accompanied by a uncomfortable scene.

Then the awakening came: make changes to feel better about the guilt.

But it is not easy (and very seflish) to totally disassociate and re-focus.