My beloved mother; the woman I hold in my highest esteem, my role model, the most self-sacrificing person I've ever known, the most perfect woman in my world.
Perfect: Lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind.
She trusts me a great deal: with her car, with her cards, with promises and most importantly, with my words.
She takes care of me whenever I'm down with my dreaded gastric flu.
She is financially independent, has her own opinions and stands up for herself.
She is the emotionally strongest woman I know.
She is sympathetic (read: mum's monkey).
She is understanding: she doesn't nag and she gives sufficient freedom.
She is child-like, bringing laughter to my cousins & I almost all the time.
She is good at handicrafts. I remember she used to do all my art pieces/ "red-packets-lanterns"/ origamis/ home econs sewings.
She is a great seamstress. She mended and alter countless of my clothes, she made a couple skirts for me from cloths. For her wedding dinner, she sewed her own evening gown.
She catches/ kills ANY insects (except spiders) whenever I need help with one.
She cooks well enough, though I havent tasted her cooking in yearsssss.
She is such a great mechanic- she fixes up any appliance: our sound system, theatre system, any TV/ DVD player/ SCV box/ computer. Yesterday, she carried a 29 inch TV (not an LCD, mind you) four levels up from the basement to replace the old one in my room. With the help of the maid; there were no guys at home and it was too heavy for me. Then, she did all the connections.
I love her so much that I need to talk or at least see her daily. No matter what time I get home on Friday night/ Saturday morning, I'll rather skip the sleep and go breakfast with her and grandma.
My beloved mother; the woman I hold in my highest esteem, my role model, the most self-sacrificing person I've ever known, the most perfect woman in my world.
Happy birthday, Mum!