the melodrama of my life

Sunday, January 16, 2005


Singgah Selalu serves cheap, decent food.
for ten people, RM190 is cheaaaaap.

this is one of the best chocolate cakes i've ever tasted.
& it was bought from Malaysia. i applaud it; it was really damn good.

Farena's 'fascination' with Desmond.

"Where's Farena?" (adaptation from "Where's Wolly?")
no prizes for guessing whose terrific idea.

no one wants to look in the same direction as Naz.

on the way home.

notice the fading smiles in the pictures.


for the record: with MY camera, Farena was the one who took the most pictures. she is probably making up for missing plenty of our other sessions.

it was a good day at JB.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

y mus u highlight the 20. damn it. haha..but anyway, thanks alot! damn, im 20. wtf. eeeeeeeeaarrrgghhhhhh

18/1/05 00:44  
Blogger laine* said...

Nice pics! :) where's your archives? hee..

19/1/05 00:08  
Blogger laine* said...

ahh i see them. lol.

19/1/05 00:09  

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