the melodrama of my life

Friday, December 31, 2004

the end of 2004

2004 isn't a fantastic year for me.
i've been through many turns of events; good and bad. in fact, i would say it's a bit too much for me to swallow.

yes, i've also a plentiful of joys but i've also gotten, i believe, more disappointments this year.
i've been unhappy too much,
i've been moody too often;
i've been having too many 'if only', way too many.
i've been too prideful.

things i've learnt in 2004?

how things can happen is really astonishing. how quickly the things can happen is even more astonishing.

i've also learnt a little more of others, and little more of myself through the eyes of others.

i've never made new year resoltuions. i've always doubted my ability to accomplish them.
besides, i've seen too many people not being able to stick by their resolutions. so, what's the point?

but looking back on 2004, ill make my first resolution for the new year ever:
to stay happier longer, more often.

sounds easy.. quite easy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

somehow, I suspected this would be your resolution.
And I'm proved right. let's work towards our resolutions

love, james.

31/12/04 11:22  
Blogger Katie Yang said...

oh this is actually in relation to your next entry..

do you think about how when bad stuff happens they often seem too overwhelming, as if it's never going to end? then, in retrospect, you'd see that bad things do pass, they really do.

i just wish we'd remember the good things more.

sigh.. hugs :)

4/1/05 23:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anticipated.. pity it aint me.. well better late than never, stay happy this 2005

5/1/05 15:40  

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