the melodrama of my life

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Merry Christmas people!


i've found the fool-proof method to be clean amidst walking through the foam-spraying crowd during countdown parties.
walk beside a triad-looking person, or as long as the person looks pissed when he doesn't smile.

Desmond & i walked through Orchard Road twice before/during/after the crossover to Christmas, and we were clean when we got back to the car. very clean.


too much durians, fried food, chocolates and some wine; too little water and sleep.. and now i'm sick.

i feel hot, my head is thumping, my throat hurts, i can't breathe and nothing taste on my tongue.
it's only the second day of Christmas and ive less than a week for the party through the New Year.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i shud make the 'triad lookin' thing a copyright. patent it specially for desmond. hahaaha.


26/12/04 21:41  

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