the melodrama of my life

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

my best friend


h u i l i a n g.
joe is who

h u i l i a n g.
oh oh oh ur best fren sorry

s h a r o n. 我只能永遠讀著對白

nvm la
wait til u see her
nxt time u wont forget her name

h u i l i a n g.
u shld say tt to her.

as eye-rolling that msg is, i told joe anyway.
& (GASP!), joe actually got it instantly. INSTANTLY.

after a good laugh, i decided to give my suspicions the benefit of doubt- that joe is NOT farena number 2, who is always laughing at the wrong stuff.

i confirmed with joe. she got it right. WOW. (sorry dear, i just have to do this :p)

yet when asked if she likes fried wanton, there was a really long pause.
why? cos she had to think what fried wanton is.

ah! my best friend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually..i dun get it. as in the conversation..and y its funny.
ive been hanging out with far for too long


5/10/04 13:25  

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