the melodrama of my life

Monday, September 13, 2004

the trip to the zoo


i finally found the time to put up the pictures taken at the zoo.

its been at least 10 years since i last went there. after months of planning, my class finally made it there, with our PTN ms kwa. no, it aint lame- its nice to relive your childhood :)

we were there from 9am to 4pm last thurs(9th sept). 7 freaking hours looking at animals. and i'm not an animal lover.

khai, bishe, me & naz
i looove this pic- it makes me look fair! :p
yes, this is about all those who went (plus xin, the photographer, and ms kwa who has left).

naz & i.
looks like we're in some resort eh? seletar reservoir at the back drop, it actually is.

as many should know, im not an animal lover. but, i adore big cats!

especially white tigers




check out the ears of the "cat". sharp- weird!

monkeys are adorable too!

my favourite- chimpanzee!

celebes crested macaque

baboons- ugly, and they really behave like humans! scary.

another ugly monkey- mandrill.
they look really similar to baboons, except they have purple asses, instead of red!

ok, some of these pictures are quite gross- check out their erected dicks. i don't know how i managed shots of such obscenity. naz said its the mating season. ah!

overall, i would say the trip was pretty fun (at least to me), though i was realllllly dead beat from zouk-ing the night before.


sentosa, next. minus the beach please.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

go go. ive been askin some of them to go for so long..but nothing usual la. ure my only hope now. hahahahahah

mus go alrite. soon soon. do wad tho..canoeing? exploring? taking pics? i mus get my camera first. hahahahaha.


14/9/04 09:39  
Blogger Katie Yang said...


yay! i wanna go night safari.

14/9/04 23:35  

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