it's the thought that counts.
it's been long since im in town on a saturday night. in fact, it's been long since i had the time to just chill.
standing amidst the crowd in orchard road on a saturday night, i actually felt lonely. this, inspite of parting with a friend just 5mins ago.
as i observed the number of couples around, i thought about the phrase 'it's the thought that counts'. indeed so.
it doesnt matter if things cropped up; what matters is the thought to compensate.
it doesnt matter if things went wrong; what matters is the sincerity in your apologies.
it doesnt matter if other things prioritise; what matters is the fairness of them all.
it doesnt matter what others have said; what matters is whether your actions justify.
action speaks louder than words.
it doesnt matter if things went wrong; what matters is the sincerity in your apologies.
it doesnt matter if other things prioritise; what matters is the fairness of them all.
it doesnt matter what others have said; what matters is whether your actions justify.
action speaks louder than words.
when things go beyond our comprehension, it's best to let it be.
hi sharon, i don't know if any of this entry is directed to me because no names were mentioned, but when i stood up on friday, i already saw this coming.
i am prepared to be hated and despised by the class for any reason anyone chooses, i have been thru 1A04, what is it to me to go thru it all over again, offending the popular crowd.
when i wrote that entry on OD, i was not directing it to xin yi; no names were mentioned.
i meant it in general, and i meant other pple i have come across in my puny 19 years as well.
that is why i chose not to point fingers; bcos i meant it as a general comment.
there is nothing to speculate abt why i fell out with 04, because i told yenling and joanna everything the other time already, even though there was no need for you guys to know.
i have been thru the torture of alienation from class before, i have the strength to weather it again.
after all, if daniel can stand up for Jesus in his own class, why can't i? :-)
have a blessed sabbath,
Hui Jun
hi, i sent this SMS to Nazri as i do not have ur hp and i didnt want to wake u up this morning with my sms:
"sharon im sorry for asking u to take sides. dun stoop or torture urself. im sorry for wasting ur time n waking u up fr ur sleep. i didn't realise i sounded degrading. No need to sacrifice urself 2 speak 2 me, no need 2 stoop 2 someone like me who defames others n commits evil in e name of religion. :=) night."
i deleted sharon's no w all of u guys, u can delete this msg too :=) i'm not trivial, but my issues are =) no need reply, dun waste ur sms, mine too. Nite. :-)
huijun- nope, the person in context is someone else. like naz said, we both really cant understand why has this matter been blown out of proportion. so i wont blog, or wanna talk about this issue at all.. n esp when religion is in context. so yeah, move on?
i'm not sure if i should paste this on xinyi's comments' tag so i shall just put it here instead:
"i like this quote from white oleander. :-)
yes, there is nothing glorious abt graduation, because pple are just brainless ducks marching across a stage.
it means nothing to me.
i think i shan't continue fighting with you.
i just felt angry that joanna prob never talked to bixia abt what really mattered to her.
i know, because i asked bixia once.
i can't remember how exactly i asked, but i phrased my question in such a way that bixia's response wld determine whether jo did.
but bixia said, no, i share with jo some stuff, but not others.
i have been disappointed with jo time and again, because she can be such a wonderful ambassador for Him, she can minister to pple like Bixia, but SHE CHOSE TO DO NOTHING.
THAT, is what hurts me most of all, THAT SHE CHOSE TO DO NOTHING.
THAT, is why i choose not to ask for support or friendship from class,
what pains me is that she is CONVICTED and SHE HAS THE CAPABILITY TO SERVE HIM.
she doesn't do so PROBABLY because she has been hurt before.
THAT, is a lousy excuse for running away from God and hurting His children.
YOU have hurt Him in a way beyond your wildest imagination, each time you go with the flow when something goes against what God says in His word.
i said BYE in that sms to you on friday, because i cannot stand with someone who is a Christian, yet does not stand on the same side as Jesus.
i said that YOU broke His heart on Friday, because when my tears fell, i knew that God would never have wanted to see me cry and He longs for you to stand up for Him, for fair groupings in class that would please everyone.
God didn't put you in this position of authority for nothing, Joanna.
There are many things that you could have done for Him when you served in class, but YOU CHOSE NOT TO, and what's worse, YOU PUSHED THE CLASS REP RESPONSIBILITY TO JIMMY.
i NEVER faulted jimmy and sharon for not supporting me in this class as a Christian, because they are not convicted. when pple are not convicted, you CANNOT blame them for not knowing better!
YOU are convicted, Joanna, and you served Him so faithfully once.
i don't have to know what happened to you in church or outside, because God has forgiven you, yet you hurt my Father time and time again, because YOU chose to not do anything all the time when there were many things you could have done.
now, things have taken a turn for the worse, because Jimmy is less capable of being a godly class rep than you. He needs your help to lead the class, based on what i have heard from the class abt his personality ie. dictatorship, and the MBTI personality test during OM tutorial.
i would like you to continue being a class rep, but i know that because you chose to step down and let jimmy take over, things will never change unless you teach him how to lead in a godly way, because he doesnt know better.
joanna, both of us CANNOT expect jimmy to do a better job than you, because he has not been convicted. the only thing we can do now is to pray that God touches his life such that he can commit his life to Christ. "
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