the melodrama of my life

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

a shout out to my sweet classmates!


on the verge of going into a trance from writing my 1500 words take-home-feature writing-CA, i flipped through Amy Tan's The Opposite of Fate(one of my birthday presents given by my class) and there, to my surprise, i discovered twelve bithday notes slipped into random pages!

i dont care- i find this awwwwwwwwfully sweeeeeeeet!

this morning, as i started the first chapter of the book, naz's note slipped out..and i was so surprised by that! i already thought he was sweet!

and to think i was actually oblivious about the rest of the twelve notes, til now.

i dont care- i really find this awwwwwwwwfully sweeeeeeeet!

ok, i know that its really silly that i just made this discovery today- almost 2 weeks after the present is given.. but nevertheless, guys, i really appreciate it very very much! thanksssss.

and to think no one breathed a word about this to me, even after almost 2 weeks! so, what if i never pick this book up to read?

a big shout out to Farena, Nicole, Naz, Xin, Janice, Joanna, Bixia, Yen, ,Khai, Seha, Jimmy, Zhida & Alvin: i really appreciate the sweet gesture, and the presents!

i feel dumb not reading this book first despite naz's numerous hints, man!

im in such high spirits now, i know ill sleep smiling again.


Blogger Katie Yang said...

haha that's the point honey, if you never realised the notes were inside, THAT MEANS YOU DIDNT READ THE BOOK!
our vicious scheme. ahahahaha.
glad you are glad!

nice new layout. love the picture of the heart in the sand! :D


19/8/04 00:02  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha.. smile...what the hell am i talking..
anyway.. yea..

19/8/04 22:02  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hui jun here :) hallo!
hmmmm how come i am left out of this? didn't know it was ur bday..
and it's so bimbotic.. even if u dint read it, how come the notes didn't fall out when you turned the book the other way?
anyways, happy belated bday! :) :)

20/8/04 05:21  

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