embarking on my 19th
as much as i dislike people walking on cycling tracks,cyclists & bladers breaking abruptly,i love cycling along East Coast Park. lone cycling,that is.
i love lone cycling cos it gives me time to be by myself & time to think things(this is also the reason why i love long bus rides).
the thought of today: how have i lived my past half year of 2004; the hates & the likes.
- shopping.
- a fruitless attempt at a relationship.
- some noise at home.
- excessive dates.
- some broken friendships.
- some lost friendship.
- more shopping.
- weekly gym & steambath sessions.
- sinful chocolates & ice cream indulgences (dammmmmmn).
- hateful excess kilos.
- feeling off-ish often.
+ shopping.
+ an embarkment of a hopeful relationship.
+ peace at home.
+ excessive dates.
+ reinforcement with some existing friendships.
+ many new friendships.
+ more shopping.
+ weekly gym & steambath sessions.
+ sinful chocolates & ice cream indulgences (aiyah,we need it la).
+ increased interest in automobiles, growing fondness for 2-wheelers.
+ plenty of laughters.
as i approach my 19th,i asked myself if i want to live my another year 'accomplishing' similar mundane things as this year.
yes,i had my fair share of fun but thats not enough. i want to be more mature in my thinking & perceptions of things(as much as i kinda hate to admit,i don't need my looks to mature any further). i want my life to have more meaning.
let's hope one year from now,my 'accomplishments' would differ significantly from today's list.
this evening,i realised what an eye-person i am. especially to guys.
through the lenses of my sunglasses,i saw plennnnnnty of cuttteeee guys. and i wonder why all the cutes gathered at East Coast Park today.
my head turned a good amount. even roaming on the very crowded streets of Orchard Rd on Saturday afternoons dont have such power. i'm serious.
then i realised. 9 out of 10 of these cutes were wearing shades too. i bet u that when i see the same 9 guys,without their shades,i would say only 2 are cute. sad,sad sad case.
ok,i shall give the guys some credit lah. there were a couple of cute guys,without shades today.
guys,i'm sorry if i sounded bitchy in any way..i can't help that your eyes are attractions to me!
happy birthday,sherry.
have a good week,people.
i miss you,honey.
I guess beauty always come from within us. First impressions might be effective to draw the person in or to be attracted to someone, but after a while, the effect becomes daunting and wears off. It is what the inside that matters. Great that you are in a r/s, keep working on it, gal.. Luv ya loads.. ~Seha~
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