the melodrama of my life

Sunday, July 11, 2004

dmc 2a01

>>>DMC 2A01

i love the camaradarie of my class,albeit most of us have a love-hate relationship with our class joker(or joke),naz darling aka xin's baby.

my case; i hate his quivering lips when he imitates jay chou,bsb,ANY r&b fact,just whenever he sings. i hate his lameness,childish acts like kicking my lecture chair non-stop,& his attempts at 'witty jokes'. and of cos,him insulting my ass,or labelling me as a bimbo 24/7.
but..but..but,in all honesty,even with these points,i actually love naz. seriously.

i love how almost the whole class go for breaks together(sometimes to the other side of sp). i love how 01 is sociable only within may seem pathetic but at least we're a lot more united then e other dmc classes :)

reality has set in.

i haven't slacked in citylink,bugis,suntec & orchard,or think of going into JB in 2 weeks. 2 freaking weeks.
lectures & tutorials are starting proper tomorrow..the new school term has began.

a huge sigh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmm! i like this.
mannnn its us isnt it?! me and baby?
we have transformed you into a reading/writing person!


11/7/04 23:54  

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