the melodrama of my life

Sunday, July 11, 2004

the start.


i finally signed up for an account,after days of procrastinating.

actually ive never seriously considered blogging,until a couple of days ago. i was so bored that i was searching for blogs to read. i even dug into naz darling's archives. yes,that was how bored i am.

xin says that i should start blogging to keep me out of boredom..& the best thing is,i dont even need to update regularly. i like that. so here i am.

melodrama: A drama, such as a play, film, or television program, characterized by exaggerated emotions, stereotypical characters, and interpersonal conflicts.

how apt. i still believe that everyone wears a facade. even details in blogs may not be true,or at least,some details are definitely left out.

my friday was good. i was anticipating for that day for close to a week. :)


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