the melodrama of my life

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

having time to self is beneficial.


like i have mentioned before, i love long bus rides.
today i finally had some more time to myself; i felt a need to think.

over the past month, many things have happened. my perceptions & feelings for a number of things have the good and the bad.

not only am i faced with tests, projects, presentations and more tests, im also faced with a dilemma that until now, i have no idea how i should resolve.

its true that anticipation never fails to overpower the real thing. sometimes anticipating for too long spoils even the aniticipation. too long, i say. it had been the case.

lacking security and assurance is already bad enough. little communication, which i used to think was a sign of freedom and independence, is just a fine line to lack of attention.

to make things worse, its the 3rd today.


Blogger Katie Yang said...

oh no.

this doesn't sound exactly good does it.

and i guess our stubborness in maintaining our stands and beliefs do attribute to hese thigns that happen to us.

i hope it'll all end up good yea dear?

i'm doin this from MMR. the one you're skippin. lol


4/8/04 13:23  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh oh.. do i sense something here?here's something from YAHOO! astrology for 4th Aug ..

"Get all the facts instead of leaping to a conclusion. Chances are your imagination may be running away with you -- and you'll both have to hang on for the ride."


5/8/04 00:31  
Blogger Sharon Wong said...

>>>i appreciate that,nicole..thanks! we've talked about it :)

5/8/04 00:41  

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