the melodrama of my life

Thursday, September 16, 2004

hocus pocus!


venue: Singapore Poly Plaza
date: 15 sept 2004
time: 10am to 5pm
stall no: 19
stall name: hocus pocus- DMC 2A01's fortune telling store.

and so, hocus pocus was a success!
kudos to joanna for coming up with this idea; and to nicole who was such a fantastic fortune teller. impromptu, at that!


the 3 bogus fortune tellers- naz, me & farena.

in case ure wondering what we were wearing, it's some head band that is supposed to make us look like convincing fortune tellers. as u can tell, it's not at all convincing la. at least, not us..

& stupid naz thinks that we looks like transverstite wearing the head band. but what's new to him?

another stupid pose of naz's.
p/s: its a spider on his head, not his dreadlocks.

ok, we didn't make money, neither did we break even. in fact, we gave out about 10bucks. but oh well, its all for the fun of it. at least, we received alot of SINCERE TESTIMONIALS!

*aahem* our SB director, Mahin.

DMC course coordinator & IPRA tutor, ms low

ms kwa (our vain ptn- the amount of times attempted just to take this shot is scary) & ms nga, our MNIT tutor

ms fenton, our CB teacher

and so, our dear jo & xin suggested making hocus pocus OUR copyright for fortune telling in all of SB's future flea markets.


as fast as i didnt see the flea market approaching, it's gone.

i don't know if we were too busy with the seeming never-ending things that are revolving around that i didn't even realise how fast time flew by.

it's already mid-september. the one week holiday has ended, the new term has began.


Blogger Katie Yang said...

yeah! we most definitely must copyright it. haha.. and print our the pictures as our ads. i bet no one else had our LEVEL of visitors. muahaha.

and.. the new term has *ahem* begun. haha

18/9/04 02:25  
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