the melodrama of my life

Sunday, July 23, 2006


1. Learning lessons
Words can kill; and the selfishness and facade make people scary creatures.

Travelling really does broaden your horizon. You meet people, you learn lessons, you see/ try/ buy/ appreciate/ get rid/ understand/ experience things you sometimes can't at home.

2. Discoveries
PL grooms Singapore girls. I've seen (& heard) countless of seniors/ acquantainces around, from the ugly to the decent to the head prefect to the expected.

In every class that I'm in, we'll give people an impression/ something to talk about. For my current batch, its lack of the much-needed discipline. Tsk.

I love home.

3. The boyfriend
Extremely adorable that I can so marry him, if the already-befalling karma don't get any worse.

4. The job
Ok, granted it's not official work yet but out of the four flights so far, I've been dragging myself to work from the second onwards. I'll want to go home.

It's not really about the job cos I don't grumble when I'm up there doing my work; everyone I met so far has been nice. And I know that it is also not the being overseas. It really is about the leaving home, and the boyfriend who is still very unhappy/ upset/ reluctant.

Whoever says it's very boring in Auckland & Adelaide is unbelievable. I love the shopping. And, I shocked myself (& most people) by not buying much in HK and Shanghai.

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Only one pathetic picture in Adelaide, and nothing in Shanghai. This picture is taken right after a 7 hours overnight flight. Haven't slept for more than 24hours because shopping is more important.

My Adelaide SNY was the most welcome cos it's the last and I'll have a 6 days break come Friday before the solos. To round it up, we sat in the cockpit during take-off and landing- what an experience!

5. Graduation on Thursday
I'm so not looking forward to it. 4 months has passed by too quickly. Of my interviews companions, Michelle (my only source of comfort for the first 2 months) is gone and Joanne still has two more months.

May God do miracles to our rosters for us to work together.

6. Phuket on Friday with the boyfriend
After 2 Bintans, 2 Bangkoks, this is exciting. But probably my last real overseas holiday for a while.

7. My Aug-Sept roster
Despite the allowances being not-too-high but the plenty of time at home = good for me and him.

8. Chance to meet the best friend in Brisbane
Hopefully we can rush to bump! I'll be taking the aircraft she took there back to Singapore; and as far as we can see, our coaches will bypass each other.. on the opposite direction. Dammit.

9. Adulthood in 2weeks
Expectedly, I'll be on board (coming home from Dubai) on that day. But thankfully, I touch down very early the next day, and I get a 4 days break over a PH before Hong Kong.

10. The dressing
It's changing gradually and the increase of new buys is driving my family and Michael crazy. A minimum of 4 buys every single week for months now is no joke at all.

I'm so gonna eat grass when I go to the fashion cities.


The boy will finally be back tomorrow. 8 days is far too long.


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