the melodrama of my life

Thursday, April 27, 2006


It has been some busy & very tiring weeks ever since training started. On the positive note, I'm glad that issue is proceeding better than expected and at the moment, we're happy.

The long weekend is coming up and I'm SO excited for that chalet. And, I think I'm gonna have a record-breaking number of chalets to attend this year.

I think I was so upset and overwhelmed over that issue that I didn't even blog about Vietnam!
The trip was good anyway. Ho Chi Minh City is generally boring with not much places to go (the shopping is SO disappointing) but once again, it is proven that the company makes a hell lot of difference! We spent nights doing stupid punishments after losing blackjack. Isk perspired like shit while Naz got away with almost no punishments.

There were not much pictures taken (on my camera) so here are a couple of pictures til I get the pictures from Isk & Bishe.

The disappointing markets- Ben Thanh and Binh Tay
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Cao Dai Temple
Check out their symbol- it's a combi of 3 religions: Christianity, Buddhism and Confucious.
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The girls
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The guys
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I love the architecture of this hotel
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Cyclo with an ugly shade.
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I pity the poor uncles who rode ISK & NAZ!
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At Ho Chi Minh City's airport
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Blogger Katie Yang said...

oh my god.

naz looks like rajan in the last picture.

27/4/06 21:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh? where got? He looks so handsome.

27/4/06 23:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i still think vietnam's a scary place.
okay, more of a haunting place. :/

3/5/06 23:37  

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