the melodrama of my life

Monday, March 20, 2006


It had been a tremendously good week except for some bad, upsetting, disappointing stress at the end of the week.

Anyway, pictures from the past week.

Uncle's wedding on Sunday
Yes, it was an expectedly more grand event than the engagement party last year.

Tea ceremony at home
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At Raffles The Plaza
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Cousins full-force (except one, and with the addition of a niece)
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Jasmine, my eldest cousin
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My brother, who drank too much, at the reception
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At MOS with Joanne and friends on Wednesday
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Bintan on Thursday & Friday
The oh-sooo-good company made everything excellent.

The special guy
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Mayang Sari has beaaaauuutiful rooms.
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I returned from the trip only to be informed that the number came out again. 2nd price! Never buy again, damn!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the picture cant really see me T.T
ah well, plenty of chances next time to take again, right? :)

24/3/06 20:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear i miss u seh. long time never meet. lets meet once before we go vietnam lehhhh

25/3/06 05:07  

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