the melodrama of my life

Saturday, March 12, 2005


Nutrition expert and founder of the Institute of Optimum Nutition, Mr Patrick Holford said,
"If you don't eat for six hours, and then stuff yourself, you'll suffer from poor concentration, low energy and hunger cravings when your blood sugar is low.
Then you experience a massive increase in blood sugar from overeating, and have a blood-sugar high as the excess glucose in your blood stream is converted to fat.
Sometimes low blood sugar is translated into our minds into a craving for sweet things. We are not always aware of the signals meaning blood sugar is low."

i never knew unbalanced blood sugar causes so many effects. no wonder i'm always tired.
i'm so gonna change my eating habits: lighter breakfasts, so i can take lunch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why dont you just have a constant sugar intake.. like granola bars or milkshake as morning and afternoon snacks.. and vodka/7up at night! woohoo!

12/3/05 13:00  
Blogger Sharon Wong said...

>>>uhhuh. den ill get diabetes & also, be a case of obesity?

12/3/05 15:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good. like tat u can eat lunch with me. and when the hell can we go buffet.

12/3/05 20:43  
Blogger Sharon Wong said...

ah! buffet is classified as overeating, my dear. read: massive increase in blood sugar from OVEREATING :)

12/3/05 20:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yup yup! sugar is important! so must eat more chocolate and ice cream!!

12/3/05 21:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it sucks when you dont sign off.

12/3/05 21:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES..u sld start a healthy lifestyle from today more snacks and have proper meals!!! you can seek expert advices frm me though..hahaa! ;P

13/3/05 03:22  

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