the melodrama of my life

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


s h a r o n. says:
u like kiwi?
Get busy. says:
Get busy. says:
u scoop or slice it?

s h a r o n. says:
s h a r o n. says:
like how we were 'taught' in pri sch
s h a r o n. says:
Get busy. says:
but i like eat it sliced

s h a r o n. says:
oh.. i dunno how to do that so i chose the easiest way out
Get busy. says:
how can u not noe?
Get busy. says:
just peel it den slice lor

s h a r o n. says:
i dunno how to remove the skin
s h a r o n. says:
i dun even skin my apples
s h a r o n. says:
i duno how to remove the core too
s h a r o n. says:
Get busy. says:
i cut
Get busy. says:
huh i eat the core ley'
Get busy. says:
its so soft

s h a r o n. says:
got seed la!
s h a r o n. says:
& those stupid stuff that cant be swallowed!
Get busy. says:
Get busy. says:
i normally cut half, den use spoon scoop untill super clean ley
Get busy. says:
and i swallow the rest

s h a r o n. says:
anyway i dont quite like apples
s h a r o n. says:
depends on my mood.
s h a r o n. says:
Get busy. says:
why are u talking about apple??????
s h a r o n. says:
Get busy. says:

s h a r o n. joanne eats the core of apples and scoops its flesh with a spoon! says:
i was thinking how u SCOOP APPLES!!!!
Sharon removes kiwi seeds before eating them. says:
hahahahahahahha and i was thinking why u have to remove kiwi seeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sharon removes kiwi seeds before eating them. says:
that was when i was truly amazed by the way u "eat kiwi"

s h a r o n. joanne eats the core of apples! says:
how to remove?>!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sharon removes kiwi seeds before eating them. says:
i was thinking y u so patient
s h a r o n. joanne eats the core of apples then scoops its flesh with a spoon! says:
its really hilarious man
s h a r o n. joanne eats the core of apples then scoops its flesh with a spoon! says:
e learning of each other's [odd]habit & the discovery of e truth!

my dear best friend, i love you, i love you, i love you for making my day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love u for making me cry!

6/9/05 16:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tt's funny!! tt's our joe... love u gurls!

17/9/05 00:01  

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