the melodrama of my life

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I have always frowned upon cheating.

I know of enough girls who, when they are attached/ married, look for partners outside the relationships. Sometimes, its just for the sex (one night stands or regular), sometimes its the attraction for the other party.

Whichever the reason(s), they are usually unwilling to let go of their boyfriends because the other party is just a fling.

I got this off the Internet, "Cheating Husbands - Cheating Wives" by Ruth Houston.

Listed below are the most common reasons people used to justify their extramarital affairs:

Why Men Cheat (all relate to sex)
The most frequently cited reasons for infidelity among men include
• more sex (the desire for a more active sex life)
• sexual variety (a desire for different kinds of sex)
• opportunistic sex (taking advantage of an opportunity to have sex without the fear of getting caught)
• to satisfy sexual curiosity (about a specific female)
• a feeling of entitlement (the belief that it’s a man’s prerogative to cheat)
• the “thrill of the chase”
• the desire to feel important or special
• sexual addiction

Why Women Cheat (all relate to unmet emotional needs or a desire for attention)
The reasons most frequently cited for female infidelity include
• a desire for emotional closeness and intimacy (someone caring to confide in and bond with on an emotional level)
• a desire for attention (wanting be the center of a man’s attention again)
• to reaffirm her desirability (To feel validated as a woman)
• to re-experience feelings of romance
• a desire to feel “special”
• boredom
• loneliness
• sexual excitement

Men Cheat for Sexual Reasons, Women Cheat for Emotional Reasons
Granted, these are not the only reasons men and women cheat. There are other reasons as well. But the bottom line is that men are cheating on their wives primarily for sexual reasons, while women are cheating on their husbands mainly for emotional reasons. These are the reasons most frequently given by cheating husbands and cheating wives who are willing to discuss their extramarital affairs.
Numerous studies on infidelity bear that out.

In one study, 75% - 80% of the men who admitted to having extramarital affairs said that sex was the primary reason. Only 20% of the women who were having extramarital affairs said they did so for purely sexual reasons.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally feel that most cheating cases are actually experiments conducted by the bored /emotionless partners...

Like all experiments, they consist of :

justification (the reasons for cheating),
a constant ( the cheaters),
variables (the flings) ,
comparison (with their spouses/partners)
and evaluation (how the cheaters felt about the affair)

It is sad that most parties do not consider the consequences of such experiments before proceeding...


1/9/05 00:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

girlfriends should give more sex, or at least pretend to enjoy it..
boyfriends should shower more understanding, love, affection, or at least pretend to be interested..
all a facade covering what we really want.. but we're still playing our roles. maybe it's too troublesome to be honest?


1/9/05 11:51  

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